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Home » New Age » Crystals & Gemstones

  Crystals & Gemstones

beautiful white quartz crystal cluster Using crystals and gemstones have been an ancient and traditional approach to healing and wellness and continues in modern times, being popular amoung spiritual healers amoungst various cultures, and modern day alternative health practitioners. Crystals can assistant with pain-relief and ailments, and even stress and emotional issues. Crystal healing can promote and benefit the healing of the entire physical body system, mind and spirit, increasing vitality and overall well being.

Crystal, gems and stones heal by interacting electromagnetically with the body. With crystals, we cantune in and work with the etheric body, which is the subtle life force that sustains the physical body and serves as the matrix for the metabolic functions.

Illness or did-ease begins with a misalignment of either the etheric body or physical body which can then result in a domino effect of maladies down to the physical body level. Imbalance in the etheric body can cause low energy depression and stress related dis-eases. Working with crystals, gems, and the associated chakras can help balance and re-align the energies of these systems.

There isn't just one single crystal that is the all powerful healer, but rather many many different crystals and minerals that can be of benefit to us just. Crystals come in all shapes and sizes, colors, and compositions. Colors can be used to quickly identify what crystal or mineral to use for specific healing. The use of color in crystal healing is used to create or alter certain emotions or moods and bring about changes within the non-physical bodies, through the chakras which are also associated with specific colors and frequencies, like the crystals. happy smiley face

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The Amazing Power Of Crystal Grids
Crystal grids are made by the placement of stones in a geometricpattern for the specific purpose of directing energy creating a particular energy field.

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