Are you starting to notice the 1111 popping up in unusual places when you least expect it? When you see these numbers do you get a strange feeling inside that you can't explain? Eventually this becomes more than just a coincidence. Many are surprised to discover that many people from all over the world, from all walks of life, are having these very same experiences with the number eleven
Are you starting to notice the 11:11 popping up in unusual places when you least expect it? When you see these numbers do you get a strange feeling inside that you can't explain? Eventually this becomes more than just a coincidence. Many are surprised to discover that many people from all over the world, from all walks of life, are having these very same experiences with the number eleven.
Interesting Things About The Number Eleven | What Does Seeing The 11:11 Mean? | Books About The 11:11 |
We are not alone in this universe. The seemingly infinite space of the cosmos is filled with life-forms of many kinds. Many Cosmic beings dwell on other planets in star systems yet undiscovered by science, and perhaps on, and within the earth itself. Many ancient cultures and even religious texts from around the world make reference to ufo sightings and visitations from star beings. They may be here now, wanting to communicate with mankind and assist humanity in these troublesome and prophetic times . UFO and ET Articles
Creative Visualization is the practice of seeking to affect the outer world by changing one's thoughts and expectations---one's 'inner world'. Creative Visualization, also known as guided imagery is the basic technique underlying positive thinking, and it operates according to the Law of Attraction. Creative visualization can be therapeutic and healing when used in Meditation. The mind can influence the reality that you experience. Just like physical actions, thoughts and emotions (whether positive or negative) will have a corresponding effect on your physical body, and even the environment and the people around you. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it.. The magick of Intention | The Hidden Messages in Water
Astrology is one of the great adventures of human civilization and has contributed greatly to people's lives and to our culture over time. Astrology's purpose is to use the positions of the planets and stars in the sky to gather information on the individual and on humanity. Astrology is a system that enables us to understand the past, present and the future within a universe full of meaning. — Joseph Crane. Astrology can provide you with some unique insights into your personality and into your relationships with others; it also reveals your potentials and some of the possibilities that may present themselves in the future. Exploring the Inner Workings of Astrology
When you notice the same coincidence happening more than once and it begins to take on meaning, then it becomes a Synchronicity
The uncanny coincidence. The unlikely conjunction of events. The startling serendipity. Who hasn’t had it happen in their life? You think of someone for the first time in years, and run into them a few hours later. An unusual phrase you’d never heard before jumps out at you three times in the same day. On a back street in a foreign country, you bump into a college roommate. A book falls off the shelf at the bookstore and it’s exactly what you need...." - From the article, A Wink From the Cosmos by Meg Lundstrom