Unique Cat Websites
Those furry, domesticated, carnivorous mammals known as Felis silvestris catus (hey that's where Sylvestor the cat got his name) was seen as a sacred animal in ancient cultures such as Egpyt and the Middle East. The history of domestic cats dates back to as early as 9000 years. A genetic study in 2007 revealed that all house cats are descended from as few as five female African Wildcats.
Being one of the most popular pets in the world, they are valued by humans for companionship and ability to hunt vermin and household pests.
Felines are one of the smartest animals on the planet and can interpret a human's mood and feelings.
A cat’s brain is actually more biologically similar to a human brain than it is to a dog’s. Cats make about 100 different sounds while dogs make only about 10. On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. That means a nine-year-old cat has been awake for only three years of its life.
It's also true that when falling from heights cats usually do land on their feet, although unfortunately, they don't have nine lives. The average cat's life is between 12-15 years, which is around 70-80 in human years, and indoor cats can actually live up until the ripe old age of 20 and sometimes beyond.
The regal Lion, known as theKing of the Jungle is not actually directly related to domestic cats. Both fall under the family Felidae, but domestic cats are in the subfamily Felinae, whereas big cats (Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Jaguars) fall under the subfamily Pantherinae.
Stuff On My Cat
A daily resource for funny cat pictures and interesting stuff that is 'on your cat'. Put something on your cat and submit your own picture!
Senile Talking Cat! (The Original) [video]
The original video of the crazy talking cat. What is it saying?
How to Communicate with Your Cat
Scientists have discovered that cats have developed an elaborate communication system with hundreds of vocalizations to tell humans what they want or need.
Secret Life of Cats
Worshiped as a symbol of life in ancient Egypt, and coveted by sea captains and farmers for centuries, the cat is one of the most beloved animal in history.
Home Remedies for Cats
Find the best natural remedies for cats with common ailments.
Cats in Sinks
It's About Cats. In Sinks. What is Cats in Sinks. It's obvious. It's about cats. And kittens. Who Like Sinks. And Basins.
Cats That Look Like Hitler
Does your cat look like Adolf Hitler? Do you wake up in a cold sweat every night wondering if he's going to up and invade Poland? Does he keep putting his right paw in the air while making a noise that sounds suspiciously like "Sieg Miaow"? If so, this is the website for you.
Cats 101 - TheSiamese [video]
A television show segment about the siamese cat breed, its personality and disctinct characteristics. From its unique meow and constant chatter to its quirky behaviour and loyal affection.
Desensitization and Counterconditioning for Fear in Cats
This approach is useful for training cats to handle situations that they find fearful. In simple terms, your cat
must be exposed to the fearful stimulus until it sees that there is nothing to fear and settles down.
Building Confidence in Fearful Felines
Helping "Fraidy Cats" Overcome Their Fear. Working with fearful cats can be a challenge because people often confuse their behavior with aggression. Cats don’t behave “badly” on purpose. In fact, fear shuts down the brain so that the cat literally can’t think.
The Two Talking Cats [video]
2 cats chatting away. Cute video.
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