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Cannabis: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Hermeticism and the Illuminati

Aleister Crowley and Thelema

The Illuminati Order

The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Outline of Occult Science by Rudolf Steiner

The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee by John Dee


Universal Cosmic Law The Seven Principles

Dictionary of (banned) occult hermetic alchemical sigils symbols

Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia libri III) is Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's study of occult philosophy, acknowledged as a significant contribution to the Renaissance philosophical discussion concerning the powers of ritual magic and its relationship with religion. The three books deal with Elemental, Celestial and Intellectual magic. The books outline the four elements, astrology, kabbalah, numbers, angels, God's names, the virtues and relationships with each other as well as methods of utilizing these relationships and laws in medicine, scrying, alchemy, ceremonies, origins of what are from the Hebrew, Greek, and Chaldean context.

Dictionary of (banned) occult hermetic alchemical sigils symbols

Hidden Meanings

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think Read more: 8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think |

The Illuminati's Secret Religion - Hegel and Hermeticism

Computer scientist cracks mysterious 'Copiale Cipher'

Commentaries on the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th Centuries

Sephiroth or Tree of life
The Tree of Life is the most fundamental model of the structure of the Human nature and illustrates the interaction between logic and emotion. The higher Arcana of the Taro interacts with the Tree of Life using Fire, Water, Air and Earth as Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body.

Alchemy Web Sites

Secret Societies and Brotherhoods


Do you have any "abilities"?

Alchemy and Kabbalah


The Arcane Formulas

The Alchemy web site on

The Singularity Behind the Duality 33° Degrees and Level 13 the Infinite Player

Manly P Hall: Stupid Sophistication HD
Manly P Hall...lecturer on ancient philosophy, author and recognized as a 33º Mason (the highest rank possible in the Scottish Rite, speaks on the subject of universal laws and the denial-ism of certain areas of society.

Rosy Plan for Ancient Prague

One in essence, three in aspect
An exploration of the Emerald Tablet (using the Sigismund Bacstrom translation)

The Rosicrucian Mysteries
By fears of hell has not perceived our goal.

Order of the Golden Dawn - Collegium Spiritu Sancti - Temple of Ptah

The Black Moon Lillith

U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis

An on-line encyclopedia of the occult, mysticism, magic, paranormal and more...

The Origins of Satanism
Due to centuries of misinformation, lies, and the systematic removal of knowledge, few people these days understand or even know what “Satanism” really is all about..


The Tree of Life
Raven's Tarot Site

Ancient Texts

The Corpus Hermetica
The Corpus Hermeticum is a collection of texts from the second and third centuries of our era that survived from a more extensive literature. Reflecting the generalized spiritual orientation of late Hellenistic gnosis rather than a tradition in any organized sense, these sometimes contradictory texts share only their claim to a common source of revelation, Hermes Trismegistus. In most of the texts his revelations are presented as a dialogue with one of three pupils: Tat, Asclepius, or Ammon. According to Augustine[115], Asclepius was the grandson of the great Greek god of the same name, and Tat was likewise the grandson of his divine namesake (the Roman deity Mercurius, the same as the Greek god Hermes).

Holy books of Luminous
This is the only book attributed to the mysterious, supposedly immortal Comte St. Esoteric Online - Social Networks for Sacred Science

The Most Holy Trinosophia by Comte de Saint-Germain [1933]
This is the only book attributed to the mysterious, supposedly immortal Comte St. Germain. (see The Comte de St. Germain, by Isabel Cooper-Oakley). This parallel French and English edition was self-published in 1933 and introduced by Manly Hall, who also wrote The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Trinosophia is an allegorical account of spiritual initiation, in the vein of The Chymical Marriage. Whether Hall's claim that St. Germain was (or is) a key Rosicrucian figure is true or not, this is indeed one of the rarest of occult books. It appears here for the first time on the Internet.

Splendor Solis - AD 1582
Alchemical Treatises of SOlomon Trismosin - Adept and teacher of Paracelsus

Truth about Satan and his Real Agenda For All
Everything in the Word of God has a Dual Meaning to it. You can always perceive God’s Word from the perspective of Enlightenment or you can perceive it from the perspective of Redemption. Because God is Both a Universal God and a Personal God.

The Key of Solomon
The Key of Solomon is the most famous and important of all Grimoires, or handbooks of Magic. As A.E. Waite has stated (BCM, pg. 58) "At the head of all, and, within certain limits, the inspiration and the source of all, stands the Key of Solomon. .


Isis: "Queen of Heaven"

The Symbolism of Freemasonry- XXXI. The Lost Word"

Ancient Symbols

The Ouroboros (or Uroborus)[1] is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. The name originates from within Greek language; οὐρά (oura) meaning "tail" and βόρος (boros) meaning "eating", thus "he who eats the tail".

Some Symbols in Books of Alchemy

SYMBOLS and their Meaning

American Indian and India Indian Swastickas


The Masonic Trowel
Symbol 15:1 - The Swastika - The Doorway To Signs and Symbolic Meanings
Signs and symbols run like rivers through our lives. Because they are constant, we owe it to ourselves to closely investigate their meanings. In short, understanding symbolism can equip us for a better life.

"The Lost Symbol" - Magic Squares and the Masonic Cipher
Dan Brown? The Lost Symbol? Masonic cipher? Albrecht Durers magic square? If you know about these things AND you can decipher the message below, then dont bother coming because you know as much as I do. If you dont know about them OR you cant decipher the message below, then by all means come and hear my presentation. .


The masonic organization and the fraternity. Freemasons lodges, society and initiations rites. New masonry and rituals.
"Freemasonry is a traditional and universal initiatic order based on Fraternity --- It is an alliance of free men of good repute, of any origin, nationality and creed -- The purpose of masonry is the betterment of Mankind."

Books by Masonic Authors

The Masonic Trowel

Occult Science

Most Holy Trinosophia, by Count St.Germain [1933], at
THE RAREST OF OCCULT MANUSCRIPTS [1933] OF THE UTMOST SIGNIficance to all students of Freemasonry and the occult sciences is this unique manuscript La Très Sainte Trinosophie. Not only is it the only known mystical writing of the Comte de St.-Germain, but it is one of the most extraordinary documents relating to the Hermetic sciences ever compiled.

Ancient Texts

The Most Holy Trinosophia by Comte de Saint-Germain [1933]
This is the only book attributed to the mysterious, supposedly immortal Comte St. Germain. (see The Comte de St. Germain, by Isabel Cooper-Oakley). This parallel French and English edition was self-published in 1933 and introduced by Manly Hall, who also wrote The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Trinosophia is an allegorical account of spiritual initiation, in the vein of The Chymical Marriage. Whether Hall's claim that St. Germain was (or is) a key Rosicrucian figure is true or not, this is indeed one of the rarest of occult books. It appears here for the first time on the Internet.

The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth
The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the sinking of the mother country. He was the builder of the Great Pyramif In Gizeh, erroneously attributed to Cheops. In it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and instruments of ancient Atlantis.

The Most Holy Trinosophia by Comte de Saint-Germain [1933]
This is the only book attributed to the mysterious, supposedly immortal Comte St. Germain. (see The Comte de St. Germain, by Isabel Cooper-Oakley). This parallel French and English edition was self-published in 1933 and introduced by Manly Hall, who also wrote The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Trinosophia is an allegorical account of spiritual initiation, in the vein of The Chymical Marriage. Whether Hall's claim that St. Germain was (or is) a key Rosicrucian figure is true or not, this is indeed one of the rarest of occult books. It appears here for the first time on the Internet.

The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy
The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy 1909 anonymous (1862–1932)

Emerald Tablet of Hermes
History of the Tablet (largely summarised from Needham 1980, & Holmyard 1957) The Tablet probably first appeared in the West in editions of the psuedo-Aristotlean Secretum Secretorum which was actually a translation of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar, a book of advice to kings which was translated into latin by Johannes Hispalensis c. 1140 and by Philip of Tripoli c.1243. Other translations of the Tablet may have been made during the same period by Plato of Tivoli and Hugh of Santalla, perhaps from different sources.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Decoded
Secrets of the Light House revealed! Follow the Lighthouse within You, and discover the Real You. The Emerald Tablets of Hermes (Thoth)The entire tablet is talking about Light, the light that iswithin each living thing. Truly, without Deceit, certainly and absolutely that which isBelow corresponds to that which is Above, and that whichis Above corresponds to that which is Below , in theaccomplishment of the Miracle of One Thing. . . (add to egyptian)


The Calls of Enoch: The First Key of Enochian Magic
Written by John Dee, Edward Kelley (add to egyptian)

Hermeticism = Holographic quantum physics. Magick is when you "hack the hologram."

The Calls of Enoch: The First Key of Enochian Magic
The techniques modern magicians use to protect themselves arise from medieval notions and concepts. These techniques have been copied by New Age movements and Pagan/Wiccan groups lock stock and barrel, with a few stylistic modifications so there is some discernable difference. These traditional methods basically include setting a circle which the practitioner stays in during the ritual and setting the four directions. It all sounds very reasonable, and if the likes of Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune, and all the Wiccans get results, surely it is good?

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