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Judgement of Osiris - The Weighing of the Heart [video]
Upon reaching the Hall of Osiris, the dead would undertake perhaps the most difficult challenge before reaching the Beyond -

Isis & Horus / Mary & Jesus and Sirius - The Star in the East
The Egyptian story of Isis and Horus somehow `adapted’ by the Christians into Mother Mary and Jesus. The similarities between Isis and Horus and the Christian story of Mother Mary and Jesus are simply too many to ignore.

The 2012 Vortex
Part 13: The Christian Amazon—Mary Magdalene and The Cult of Isis

Isis: "Queen of Heaven"
Throughout history, Isis and various forms of goddess worship has played a significant role in our world’s religious and cultural makeup. Today, goddess veneration is still very much alive and well.

Ancient History Sourcebook: Lucius Apuleius (c.155 CE): Isis, Queen of Heaven
We see here the workings of an intense religious syncretism. Isis is here the Queen of Heaven, and principal of all the gods and goddesses.

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